
Voltage Inc. JAPAN to Release 悪魔と恋する10日間 Heaven’s Kiss This Summer… on LINE

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Late is late is late.

Well, this is a surprise.

For those who didn’t already know, 悪魔と恋する10日間 Heaven’s Kiss was originally announced to be released back in January. January came and went, so did the months that followed, with no word on what happened to Heaven’s Kiss. The source who informed me of the possible release eventually told me that any indication of the game’s release had up and disappeared. Along with the game being taken down from one of Japan’s app pre-registration sites, it didn’t look too good for the release. Not only that, but the Android and iOS version of the game was ultimately pulled from both the Google Play Store and iTunes Stores in March, now making it impossible to download, install, and play the game on either platform. And even if you did manage to install it, players are no longer able to purchase any stories from the game. Fortunately (kind of) for players who have already made purchases, they are still able to play the game if they still have it installed on their devices. Uninstalling it, though, will delete the game from their device and, with no way to download and install it again, players will not be able to play again. As Izumi told me, about a month after the removal of the game from the app stores, the monthly version was also taken down. As each month passed, I continued to wonder what happened. With no word from Voltage about the game, I came to believe that the release had ultimately been cancelled.

Finally, on May 27th, Voltage Inc. released the above video along with an announcement that 悪魔と恋する10日間 Heaven’s Kiss will be released, but not in the way that we’re all used to. While I had believed that Heaven’s Kiss would be released in its own individual app, the same way as Love Duet and Love Mission, Heaven’s Kiss is set to be released… as a LINE game.

Now I can’t say I’ve done anything more than take a quick look at the LINE messaging app, so I have no idea how this will work. I will try to get the game, but no guarantees.

So far, it looks like the usual new social game aspects are staying. When you pre-register, you will get a set containing 5 Diamonds, 5 Love Passes, and a hair avatar item for the game.

As said in the previously mentioned post, the voice cast is still the same, with only Kakeru, Satoru, and Shiki being available at the time of release. It will be partially voiced and, judging from the PV, it looks like the Live2D will still be part of the game, though will not be part of the actual story playing as we might have believed. And, as with all social games,… well, I would say that it’s safe to assume that the story will be different, but with the removal of the Android and iOS versions…. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

It is set to be released sometime this Summer.

Happy playing!

May 30, 2015
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