Updated 06.27.2014
Urgot is finally getting some love. There’s a new splash art of him on . Future TU/VU? His gameplay rework is still up for discussion, especially his ult and tank/adc roles. He’s a main adc of mine and I hope the core of who he is (ugly, crab-like, Frankenstein experiment) isn’t scrapped for something more norm. Having him full adc wouldn’t be a bad idea though. Now drool over his awesome pose and cannon.
*UPDATE Caitlyn has received a new splash art as well!
Quill Coat
UNIQUE PASSIVE: Sapping Barbs: +40 Health Regen per 5 and +30 Mana Regen per 5 upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose 5% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to 150).
UNIQUE ACTIVE – Hunter’s Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown) (Unique Passives or Actives with the same name don’t stack).
RECIPE: Hunter’s Machete + Cloth Armor + 75g

BUILDS INTO: Spirit of the Ancient Golem
REMOVED Unique Passives Tenacity and Butcher
Bonus Health +25%
+200 Health ( down from 350 HP )
Cooldown Reduction +10%
Armor +20
UNIQUE PASSIVE – Sapping Barbs: +60 Health Regen per 5 and +45 Mana Regen per 5 upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose 5% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to 195).
UNIQUE PASSIVE – Conservation: Store 1 stack of Gold per 1.5 seconds (Max 80 stacks). Kill a large or epic monster to cash in up to 40 stacks.
UNIQUE ACTIVE- Hunter’s Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).
RECIPE: Quill Coat + Kindle Gem + 450g

Unique Passive: +10% bonus attack damage (Bonus Attack Damage is any Attack Damagefrom buffs,items and masteries)
UNIQUE PASSIVE: Shield value reduced to 50-350 from 50-440
UNIQUE PASSIVE: Shield decay time increased to 25 from 15
+10 attack damage vs Monsters
+5 damage reduction vs Monsters.
Unique Passive: Maim REMOVED.