This year’s The Harrowing brings us new skins for LeBlanc and Wukong. Bundles and individual sales for previous years for legacy skins and wards are also up for a limited time until November 4, 2014.
There will also be flash sales of a group of random skins every six hours.
“In an unprecedented phantasmic phenomenon, a group of skins’ regular prices are reduced for six hours before resetting in favor of a new slate of skins. Early research into ectoplasmic evidence has yet to uncover a way to predict which skins will go on sale–or even the discount rate. All we know for sure is that skins go on sale for six hours at a time and then it happens all over again. Happily, you can check the “On Sale” box in the skins tab of the Store to see what skins are on tap.
Disclaimer: Riot won’t be held responsible for the actions of ghosts so we aren’t offering retroactive refunds for these sales.”
Running time: October 24 – November 4, 2014
You can also visit The Harrowing promo page here!

- Bat-o-lantern
- Deadfall
- Haunting
- Tomb Angel
- Widow
The Mystery Gift swirls with every skin of Harrowing’s past and present! Better yet, Harrowing content bursts out of the chest at a 2x rate!

Summoner Icons
Shadow Isles Crest
Pledge your soul to the Shadow Isles for 1500 ip during the Harrowing or 250 RP any time afterward.

Harrowed Puppet

Give a gift of any kind to a friend during The Harrowing.
Mark of the Betrayer

Win three games of HEXAKILL: Twisted Treeline.
HEXAKILL: Twisted Treeline

“Hexakill doubles the number of champions on the Twisted Treeline. Bringing twelve champions to League’s most close-quartered map ensures intense gankery and more than a few opportunities to net yourself a coveted hexakill. We’ve bumped up gold and experience rewards across the map and controlling both altars now buffs you as well as your minions. Claustrophobes—and arachnophobes— need not apply. Welcome back to the Twisted Treeline.”