Late is late, but new event incoming! The guide might be late to be posted again, but do expect it to be up within an hour after the event begins!
Here’s what I know so far:
- Yuzuki, Ryoichi, Noel, Chihaya, Mirai, and Satsuki will be available.
- They will each have four stages.
- Each stage will have five episodes.
- They will each have two endings: A Happy End and a Super Happy End.
- Like with the previous event, it looks like
- only the Happy End will be available while playing the event
- the Super Happy End will only be available for purchase as “Another Sweet End” once you have cleared the Happy End of each individual character
I still don’t know much, but I wouldn’t put it past Voltage Inc. to begin the event very soon. I’ll update again if I get more before it starts, but no guarantees. As I already said, the guide might be a bit late, but I will have it up on the Sleepless Cinderella: PARTY Guides page under the Current Event Guides section when I can and will leave it there until I can get the Event Info post up, so be on the lookout for it!
Happy playing!