
[Sleepless Cinderella: PARTY] Interview ♥ Date Event Info

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Late is late! Since this is the first event in Sleepless Cinderella: PARTY, I can’t guarantee that all the info here is accurate, so you are welcome to let me know of any corrections that need to be made!

Here we go!

Please keep in mind that I have yet to complete everything in the event, so edits and corrections will be made once I come across it during gameplay or when someone is kind enough to inform me.

1. Basics

2. Completion Items

3. Ranking

4. Guide

1. Basics

  • There is no specific date announced that says when the event will end.
  • Yuzuki, Ryoichi, and Noel are available.
  • Each route consists of four (4) Stages
    • Each stage consists of five (5) episodes.
  • There are two (2) endings: Happy End and Supert Happy End.
    • Both endings are the same and are in the guy’s PoV.
    • There are no CG’s in this event.
  • You DO NOT need Love Passes to advance the story.
    • Instead, you will have to complete missions in order to advance in the story.
  • Missions consist of both Love Factor missions and Avatar item missions.
    • You can only raise Love Factor by going on Event Interviews.
    • When you go on an Event Interview with a Scoop Mate, it will increase your Charm. Adding Event Scoop Mates will also give you 1/5 of their Love Factor.
    • You can not stop being mates once you approve an event mate.
  • The Event Interviews use 1/5 Strength.
  • The ending you are able to choose depends on your Personal Love Factor.
    • Personal Love Factor is the Love Factor you raise while playing your chosen route. Personal Love Factor will not be carried out into the next route you choose and will be reset when you complete a route. You will start with 0 Personal Love Factor each time you start another route regardless of your completion status of that route.
    • Total Love Factor is your Personal Love Factor plus 1/5 of the Love Factor from your Event Mates.
    • If you do not reach the Super Happy End, you can still raise your Love Factor to get it before you choose an ending.
    • No matter which end you choose, you will have to replay the entire route to choose the other end.
  • Once the event ends, you will not be able to read the story anymore.

2. Completion Items


When you complete the Super Happy Ending, you will receive a completion item for the event.


Upon completion, you will get

  • White Fur Hat (Glamour: 100) for completing Yuzuki’s Super Happy End
  • Yellow Velor Bag (Glamour: 100) for completing Ryoichi’s Super Happy End
  • Creamy Casual (Glamour: 100) Outfit for completing Noel’s Super Happy End
  • Yellow Eyelash Makeup (Glamour: 200) for completing all Super Happy Ends
  • Million-Dollar View background (Glamour: 250) for completing all routes with both endings


Also, when you complete two (2) Super Happy Endings by March 16th 8:00 A.M. (UTC), you will get a Meshed Twintail (Blonde) avatar item (Glamour: 150).

3. Ranking


The reward for ranking in the Top 100 by the end of the event is a Stylish Tweed Dress Outfit avatar item (Glamour: 100).

4. Guide

As far as I can tell, this guide is accurate. However, since I have not played through the whole route yet, please let me know if there is a mistake.

Yuzuki Ryoichi Noel
Stage 1 A:I can do it. B:”That’s not it.” A:”I know that!”
Stage 2
Stage 3 A:”It’s cute.” A:Nod. A:”It’s all my fault.”
Happy End
Super Happy End

*”-“means there is no selection to be made.

That’s all I have for now. I think I managed to squeeze everything in here. OTL If I have missed something, information is out of date, or information needs to be updated or fixed, please feel free to let me know and I will do the necessary changes as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments and I will try to answer them the best I can.

Happy playing!

March 13, 2015
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