Cho’Gath and Renekton’s prehistoric skins received some small texture updates.
Prehistoric Cho’Gath – 750 RP

Prehistoric Renekton – 750 RP

Luden’s Echo
AP Ratio reduced to .1 from
Respawn time increased to 6 minutes from
5 minutes.
Altar heal per minion kill reduced to 1% from

SKINS SSW Rengar - 750 RP SSW Talon - 750 RP SSW Twitch - 975 RP SSW Thresh - 975 RP SSW Singed - 750 RP Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate Ace of Spades Ezreal - 750 RP King of…
May 6, 2015
In “Games”

The Samsung White skins are now available on live servers as a bundle or individually! More from the official website below. Five dominant pros. One championship team. Celebrate Samsung White’s commanding victory in the 2014 World Championship with five new skins inspired by the Korean powerhouse. Make your moment with…
May 14, 2015
In “Announcements”

A whole lot of skins this cycle, as these four join yesterday's six! SKINS More information from Riot KateyKhaos below. April 29th: King of Clubs Mordekaiser will not be available to play today due to a bug. May the cards be ever in your favor! Stack your deck (and team)…
April 29, 2015
In “Games”