*Click on each image for the full resolution!
Sun’s Bride Chang’e –

Voice Pack Available! (Click Me)

Moon’s Groom Hou Yi – 700 Gems Bundle (with Moon’s Bride Hou Yi), 900 Gems (with both skins and Gods)
Voice Pack Available! (Click Me)
Daimyodin Odin – 400 Gems
Voice Pack Available! (Click Me)
Wrath of Olympus Zeus – 250 Gems
Triumph & Agni – Play 30 10 Hours With Referred Player In Party
Note: Any earned hours prior to the patch will be accepted.
Voice Pack Available! (Click me)
Infiltrator Loki Updated Voice Pack
Changes to the Refer-a-Friend rewards. Play Together Bonuses have changed.
- 20 hours for 200 gems has become 15 hours for 200 gems.
- 30 hours for 200 gems has become 20 hours for 200 gems.
- Triumph & Agni Skin now rewarded at 10 hours played together.
- All changes will be retroactively applied.
Event Master
- We have awarded gems (based on progress) to those who had progress on the Event Master achievement and have removed the achievement from the game.
- Fixed issue with saved login information not persisting through a service or PC restart.
- Fixed “I like you” Achievement not working.
- Spectators in Joust League match lobby will now have a delay.
- Emotes will now automatically play when purchased in the match lobby.
- “Jolly Roger” Achievement added – Win a match with all Pirates on your team.
- Wisdom Tab and God Builder have had visual updates. Still a work in progress.
- Spectator – Fixed Siege Juggernaut Health bar not showing the correct time.
- Draft Pick – Fixed UI incorrectly stating Player 5 is picking.
- Added gradient to Recall bar making it easier to see.
- Fixed incorrectly stating ‘next promotion’ at end of match lobby for Master ranked players.
- Arena Damage icons updated.
- Updated Feature Panel buttons on landing page (Rewards, Season Ticket, Event).
- Accolade art can now be seen in larger resolution when mousing over.
In the first step towards improving our new player experience within SMITE, we are introducing a Training Map. The Training Map will take players through a series of single player matches intended to ease a new player into the game. These training matches are currently existing modes within the game already:
- Joust 3v3 Practice
- Arena Tutorial
- Arena Practice
- These modes may change over time as we continue to tweak and improve the new player experience.
- The matches on the Training Map will give players a bonus of Favor and XP upon completion.
We have updated the Jungle Practice map, adding some requested features as well as making sure everything is up to date.
- Updated visuals and Jungle Camps
- Added the ability to reset back to Level 1
- Added Invincible Odin Target Dummies
- Items are now purchasable/sellable everywhere on the map

Fixed issues with blinking then continuing to be affected by Crowd Control.
More Gods have had persisting recall fx cleaned up: Agni; Ah Muzen Cab; Cupid; Freya; Guan Yu; He Bo; Isis; Mercury; Nu Wa; Odin; and Ymir.

Path of Flames: Fixed not highlighting targets.
Bees! (Passive): Fixed Disarm taking longer than 4s to re-apply if Bees! is extended with Basic Attacks.
Feather Step: Fixed others not seeing the area of effect fx.
Gravity Surge: Brightened up the pull indicator for Renegade skin.
Fixed The King end of match lobby showing guitar floating.
Torrent: Fixed a blind spot where targets would not be hit.
Jade Rabbit (Passive): Fixed Rabbit Passive meter not changing color to Moonlight Love skin.
Ricochet: Fixed not highlighting all targets on 2nd and 3rd trajectories.
Threshold: Fixed debuff tooltip showing incorrect icon.
Khepri was over performing but we wanted to be careful about how we brought his strength down. He is a character that focuses on protecting allies, but was slightly too potent as well as had other strengths. We chose to reduce some of his ability to protect, while focusing more on lowering some of his durability and damage.
Fortitude (Passive):
- Reduced Shield Health per tick from
3%to 2%. Reduced maximum Shield Health from15%to 10%. - Fixed buff tooltips not showing.
- Reduced base damage from
80/140/200/260/320to 80/130/180/230/280. - Fixed Khepri not being affected by Silence during Pull.
Rising Dawn: Reduced allied Damage Mitigation from 30/35/40/45/50% to 20/25/30/35/40%.
Scarab’s Blessing: Fixed buff tooltips not showing.
Sleepy (Passive): Fixed not being targetable by Khepri Ultimate if asleep.
Fixed AFK skin playing Gamma Slam voice.
Retribution: Fixed an issue that caused Nemesis to go invisible on some clients.
Shadow Step: Fixed an issue with Nox’s shadowstep where ejecting from an ally executed by Ao Kuang could cause her to get stuck on top of terrain.
Cleaned up some visual issues at Victory screen.
Fixed Special Emote not working.
Power Cleave: Fixed knocking back players that were using spacebar jump.