There’s a new feature bringing you rewards for queuing up with your fiends. Socrates explains…
SPLASH ART Katarina and Kayle splash art have been changed up a bit. Katarina…
JUNGLE New jungle changes, exclusive to PBE in order to help with improve the understanding…
SPLASH ART Tristana has a new splash art, which was tweaked from her previous PBE…
SPLASH ART Katarina has a new splash art! Plus, DJ Sona’s splash and loading art…
Welcome to Season 2 of SMITE! A lot of exciting things are happening this year,…
Hello, Summoners. How is everyone on this fine patch day? Good? We are good as…
BALANCE CHANGES Zilean There are big changes to Zilean, plus, new ability icons. “It…
Server maintenance will take place on Wednesday, February 11, 2015. On 02/11/2015, starting at 01:30…
Games, MOBA, Patch, Updates
Warden Sivir & Nautilus, Marauder Ashe & Warwick Splash Art, New Summoner Icon
SPLASH ART New splash art for Ashe & Warwick, the ferocious Marauders and Wardens Sivir…