I am currently in the process of binge-watching many shows that I’ve missed (never really gained interest in them at first glance). Currently on my plate are Bones (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE), Revenge, House of Cards, Sherlock (BBC), The Americans, Supernatural, Gossip Girl, Spartacus and in the future, White Collar and Justified. I’ve added so many shows to my lineup while I’m trying to keep up with shows that I’m on par with. I’m behind two episodes on Defiance! And it doesn’t help that Netflix and Hulu+, and now Amazon Instant, are begging for me to binge-watch many shows that I’ve researched and grown an interest with. Recently though, Netflix broke on me. What did I do?? It stopped working for my Xbox and PC. ;-; Yet my nephew was watching his cartoons on his iPad. H4x? Maybe. No worries, it is now fixed and I’m back to my Revenge/Supernatural/Bones marathons! I’ve gained interest in Vikings (History), Da Vinci’s Demons (STARZ) and Shameless (Showtime). Any good? Hopefully I’ll get there some day… -cue in the hopeless dreaming-
So I finished 6 episodes in one sitting. Why hadn’t I started on Revenge before?! Although I have heard and read horrible things about season 2, I’ll continue to support this show.
So Shabby and I started watching Bones, though she was ahead a few episodes. Needless to say, she used her super-alien powers and went through seven seasons, leaving me behind in the second. In my defense, I watch so many shows that I can’t focus on just one. Best part of this show? The characters. Shabby will testify to this. (PERFECT PEOPLE!!!)
SPIES SPIES SPIES!! Need I say more?!
Once Upon A Time and Arrow are both over (seasons), and the Bates Motel season finale airs tonight (I’m dreading it). With that, I’ll have time to catch up to my other shows as I anticipate the summer-packed movie and TV show blockbusters. So excited for Falling Skies (season 3), The Killing (season 3), Wilfred (season 3) and the final episodes of Breaking Bad (season 5). Not so much for True Blood (season 6). Let’s be honest, the quality keeps going down by season and it’s already a trainwreck. I hope that this gets you all who read this a lust of binge-watching this summer as I suggest to you what I’ve mentioned above. ALSO, check out the TV SHOWS menu above the banner of our blog for more suggestions. I’ll try to keep up with updating the ratings for each episode of each show.