Ahri and Braum have new skins up on PBE (Jinx and Zac are crying somewhere in the jungle). Meanwhile, Alistar received a visual update! More below.
Dauntless Ahri has been renamed to Challenger Ahri.
Move aside and witness Alistar, the Minotaur, in his new and updated form!
Known for his ability to change the shape of a teamfight, you can now spot this cow trampling in with his shape changing form! It’s behoove of me to tell you what you can expect to see, so read up if you find yourself locking horns with the bull at any point! His model and textures are all sparkly and brand new, and his animations are tweaked a bit to make him run and look better on the fields. In addition, we’ve also given his ult a spitshine, so you’ll see some nice shields here instead of… uh… spiky… things. His skins are receiving the same treatment as well, so be sure not to miss those as well*.
Some questions to keep in mind as you take a look at the new models!
>Does this still read as Alistar to you?
>Does the new Unbreakable Will still communicate the effect?
>Do you feel anything important to you was missed during this update?We’d really appreciate it if you’d take a look at Alistar, and headbutt us with any bugs and feedback that come your way. Your feedback helps to guide changes we can make, as well as helps us grow as a team.
*Sweeper Alistar was fairly recent, so it did not receive larger updates.
Visual Update

The 2015 competitive season is about to begin, which means the climb to become world champions begins yet again! We’re kicking off the 2015 competitive season with Dauntless Ahri!
It’s a new season, which means all kinds of new beginnings – learning a new role or champion, playing with new teams, learning all of the changes.
It also means bettering yourself as a player – Improve your skills, excel in your main role, rank up higher than you ever have before.
Whether this is your first season, or your fifth, become a legend this season.
Dauntless Ahri will be 975 RP, and includes:
A new recall animation!
New model and texture!
New particles! Note: Some particles could not be changed due to gameplay clarity. Her orb and charm will remain the same color as her base.Dauntless Ahri is now available to play on PBE! We always find bug reports and feedback super helpful, so feel free to comment in the thread below! Likewise, if you’ve got any questions, post ’em here, and we’ll do our best to answer them!

Ah! We are about to begin the fighting!
El Tigre Braum and his tag team partner poro have entered the ring! Tag in El Tigre to crush any bottom lane that might try and stand in your way! This skin includes:
All new model – He’s decked out in a tiger themed luchador costume!
His poro has also dawned an orange mask and has grown a very impressive mustache!
All new recall and re-spawn animations!
All new golden particles with tiger and wresting motifs!
All new SFX on his spells, re-spawn, and his recall!This skin will be 975rp.
Your feedback and bug reports are extremely helpful to us, so please check out El Tigre Braum and let us know what you think! Feel free to drop any bugs you find in this thread as well.
See you on the Rift!